Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Metric - Satellite Mind remix (2011)

This was probably the first remix I did. Metric had released their fabulous album "Fantasies" in 2009, which is still one of my all-time favorite records. A year or two later they partnered with Indaba Music and launched a remix contest in order to see what the community could come up with. 

I contributed with a surf rendition of "Satellite Mind", emphasizing guitars and creating Beach Boys-style vocal harmonies. Strange choices, 'cause it's not what you would expect from a remix. But they liked it enough to pick it among the winners. Surprise! 

Their feedback was also really cool. I don't have the exact comment anymore but it was something about being in Canada under a pile of snow listening to track after track, and when they heard this they were instantly transported to a car in the middle of the road, enjoying the warmth of the Sun. 

Listening now a few years later and with more experience, I would change many things audio-wise, but I'm still proud of it. 

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