Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Metric - Satellite Mind remix (2011)

This was probably the first remix I did. Metric had released their fabulous album "Fantasies" in 2009, which is still one of my all-time favorite records. A year or two later they partnered with Indaba Music and launched a remix contest in order to see what the community could come up with. 

I contributed with a surf rendition of "Satellite Mind", emphasizing guitars and creating Beach Boys-style vocal harmonies. Strange choices, 'cause it's not what you would expect from a remix. But they liked it enough to pick it among the winners. Surprise! 

Their feedback was also really cool. I don't have the exact comment anymore but it was something about being in Canada under a pile of snow listening to track after track, and when they heard this they were instantly transported to a car in the middle of the road, enjoying the warmth of the Sun. 

Listening now a few years later and with more experience, I would change many things audio-wise, but I'm still proud of it. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Córdoba (2019)

What the hell is Córdoba? 
--One of the provinces in Argentina that counterweights the influence of Buenos Aires. 
--Homeland of tropical music heroes "La Mona" Giménez and Rodrigo Bueno. 
--The place where herbal medicine Fernet met Coca-cola and as a mash up we all got fernet con coca and life was never the same again.
--The site with the most UFO activity in all South America.

—A song by Pasaje Osaka, an indie band from Buenos Aires. For a teenager band working on their first album, this is a landmark.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Joaquin Carámbula - Para Ella (2018)

In winter 2017 Joaco, a virtual stranger, came to my house. His band Detonantes had just split up and he was looking for a producer to work on two or three songs he had composed in that period. Luke from Electric Child gave him my number. We had never spoken before but we used to hang out at the same parties and clubs, and I had seen him play with his band a few times. Chemistry was instantaneous and soon after, a full album started blooming around our production sessions. 

We worked the melodies, lyrics and chords, and with that we went into mythical studios Ion to track the acoustic guitars and most of the lead vocals.  

Coincidently I had to dismantle my studio for personal reasons, so we decided the best move was to take all the equipment to his humble-and-recently-inherited house (there was a painful but relieving process going on) to do the arrangements and add a bit of salt & pepper to enhance the songs.

“Re Loco” is the obvious single. “Quisiera que sea” tranquilizes me like nothing else. "Para Ella" still gives me the chills. 

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